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About us

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Our youth network has incredible self-determination as well as the desire and skills to overcome the impacts of poverty, trauma, and racist systems. We believe that intra- and inter- cultural organizing creates resilience and strength that radiates outwards. Through collaboration this then enhances the entire community. 

We are inspired entirely by working within our youth community and listening to the needs, dreams, goals, and challenges of our young people and their families. We prioritize projects inspired by their voices. RISE programming, events, and projects are conceived, designed, implemented, and led through intentional inclusion of the youth.



"We can be the cycle or we can break it." -M.A.P.

Read these poems from RISE Youth

“arriba, arriba, arriba”

Your heavy voices would shout. 

the light of the moon still dancing with the sun

not yet day, but not the end of night

Heavy eyes, heavy arms 

our backs against the cold, hard concrete 

darkness filled the tiny houses

cold water para espantar el sueño

“Abrígate, va estar frío”

Your kind voice whispers

a voice so pale, so kind and tired 

“Si ma”


we’re on our way, 

this is the dream. 

we’re on our way, 

it’s not yet three. 


buckets. buckets and hats 

killing our backs 

full of fruits 

so that you can snack


this is the dream. 

this is the dream. 

this is the land of the free 


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Our board is made of the same community, business leaders, and youth who are involved in designing, implementing, and benefiting from our programs. We strongly believe that "for us, by us" builds a stronger organization and a stronger community.



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We believe that by reaching out to the youth who are most impacted and hardest to reach we can create the biggest change. It’s easiest to teach the kids who want to be taught, but due external factors like generational trauma, poverty, and racial profiling some kids give up early. RISE welcomes these youth into our community, recognizing their unique talents and interests, and offers support to help them achieve their goals of self determination and independence. By trusting that young people know what they need to thrive, we can best bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to go. 


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4th grade crazy


Thats when you know everything already 

the smart ones 

the kinda smart ones 

and the behind ones 


it was scary being the behind ones 

you pretend like you know everything 

you don’t ask for help 

because you wanna be 

a smart one or 

a kinda smart one

but not a behind one


matter of fact you just scared to raise yo hand and ask for help 

because you don’t wanna be made fun at 

or be called dumb 


well it’s sad to be honest because of the kids 

be dropping out 

going into drugs 

they know they ain’t worth school anymore 

because they still scared to raise their hands

because they don’t wanna be call stupid or dumb 


they are smart inside

they need the motivation 

extra help 

Thats my thoughts



I’m trying, man.

I’m trying 

But because I’m brown they’ve profiled me 

I’m trying and I won’t stop trying 

But because I’m a minority they’ve profiled me

They’ve labeled me a gangster, a no good kid

I’m trying man, I’m trying

But because of my RAZA 

They’ve profiled me


They threw me in a box 

And they hit self destruct

I’m trying man, I’m trying 

But because I fit their profile 

Because I speak a different language

Because I come with a heavy accent 

Because I am who I am I will not stop trying 


Because you tell me that I will not grow 

I will blossom 

And I will shine on my own


Because you tell me my ways are set in stone 

I will change and I will prove myself 


But you set my path 

You profiled me

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